Recovery time relies on implant surgery. It can last longer if you require bone grafts or more than one implant. Typically, it is around one to two weeks. But other factors like dental health, age, overall health, and oral hygiene can even make the recovery time differ. Few patients return to their standard routine on the same day of surgery. However, others may take one or two days to recuperate.

Tips for Fast Healing After Getting Dental Implants

Follow the tips below for speedy healing after the implant:

1. Avoid Smoking and Chewing Tobacco

Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco during the healing time cause many issues. The chemicals in cigarettes irritate the healing tissues. It leads to swelling that slows the healing and causes infection and dental implant failure.

Nicotine in tobacco restricts the oxygen levels in the oral tissues and bones. It takes your body a long time to heal after the implant surgery. For these reasons, you must avoid or quit smoking during the implant recovery period.

2. Consume Foods Rich in Healing Nutrients

After getting the dental implant Robbinsville TWN, it is vital to track your diet. It will ensure you receive everything you require like vitamins, calcium, and proteins. They will help to fuse the implant with the jawbone easily.

When you fail to take special care of your diet, you have a weak immune system. It is also possible for the bacteria to enter the site, which increases the risk of infection.

When this happens, it extends the healing period. To reduce stress in the implant site, consume soft foods and fluids such as yogurt, soups, etc. Try to avoid foods that are hard to chew like nuts, hard candies, etc. Also, do not make direct contact with hot and cold foods on the site.

3. Avoid Performing Heavy Exercises

Skip the gym and do strenuous exercises. This will help your body recover in a better way. It also lowers the risk of moving blood clots in your mouth or disturbing the implant region.

Vigorous movements can lead to a painful condition known as a dry socket. Remember, pushing your body beyond its limits is not a good idea. You must listen and take a rest when required. Bending or lifting heavier leads to dislodging of blood clots and bleeding. When going to the bed, make sure you use additional pillows to elevate your head.

4. Have the Prescribed Medicines

Take all the prescribed antibiotics and pain-killing medications recommended by the dentist in Robbinsville. It will prevent inflammation, infection, and pain during the recovery.

5. Practice Proper Dental Hygiene

Like your natural teeth, dental implants also require good oral hygiene. Keeping the mouth cleaner will minimize the risk of forming an infection around the surgical site.

After the tenderness goes away, the experts at Mercer Smiles Family Dentistry suggest cleaning the implant area carefully. Brush gums and teeth two times a day to prevent the build-up of germs. But make sure you avoid the implant region.

6. Ensure Proper Hydration

Staying hydrated will keep you energized and let your body eradicate toxins that slow the recovery. Besides this, you must avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine because they can lead to dehydration.

Our oral surgeons are experts in surgical dentistry Robbinsville. They suggest patients avoid alcohol at least two weeks after the dental implant surgery. It is also strict “no” to use a straw for drinking till you get completely recovered.

7. Use a Cold Compress

After the dental implant, you can expect some swelling or bruising in the area. A cold compress can help you reduce discomfort and encourage faster healing. Put it over the affected region for 30 minutes and then remove it. Do the same again and repeat the process until all the swelling and pain have gone.

8. Use a Salt Water Solution

It is crucial to make a saltwater rinse during the first few weeks of healing. You can repair it by combining one teaspoon of salt and hot water. Just put the solution in the mouth for 30 seconds and swish it. Do this two times a day for one or two weeks to sanitize the dental implant site. You can use salt water rinse up to 4 times a day.