Chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth impact your smile, making it difficult for you to display your pearly whites. Instead of hiding your smile or smiling discreetly, you can help yourself by seeking teeth bonding from the cosmetic dentist in your vicinity to help improve the appearance of your teeth and make you the confident to show them off.


The cosmetic procedure of teeth bonding is comfortable and painless, requiring merely one visit to the dentist unless you want extensive work done. In addition, the dentist completes the teeth bonding you need in approximately 30 to 60 minutes per tooth. Some meetings might require more time depending on the extent of the process.


How Does Teeth Bonding Work?


Bonding a tooth is more straightforward than many cosmetic dental procedures. The process doesn’t require anesthesia unless you also want to have cavities restored and prevent the need to visit dentists multiple times.


When starting the teeth bonding process, the Monmouth Junction dentist selects a composite resin color using a shade chart to closely match the shade of your natural teeth. Next, the dentist roughens your tooth surface by applying an etching solution that helps the bonding ingredient adhere to the tooth.


The composite resin application happens over the etching solution, and the professional molds or shapes the targeted tooth and finally hardens it with ultraviolet light. If required, the tooth can undergo additional shipping after hardening the resin.


Why Consider Teeth Bonding?


Defects and imperfections in a tooth are comfortably fixed by the tooth bonding procedure. You can also have dental bonding for gaps that aren’t significant but impact your smile.


The family dentist near me can increase the size of a tooth if it is shorter than the rest to give you teeth that appear symmetrical. Dental bonding is a quick procedure without any downtime. If you don’t require anesthesia to fill cavities, you can continue your regular activities immediately after the process.


Risks of Dental Bonding


Teeth bonding has no significant risks that might require treatment at odd hours of the day from the nearby emergency dentist. However, you must realize the composite resin used to enhance your teeth’s appearance isn’t as strong as natural teeth. The bonding material can chip and separate from the bonded tooth, which isn’t a familiar occurrence with dental crowns or veneers.


If you frequently chew ice, bite on pens, pencils, fingernails, or hard candy, the bonded tooth might chip. In addition, the composite resin isn’t as stain resistant and can discolor if you smoke or drink coffee frequently.


Costs of Teeth Bonding


The prices of teeth bonding will vary according to your location, the extent of the process, and your dentist’s experience. As teeth bonding is a cosmetic procedure, dental insurers do not offer coverage. Therefore you help yourself by making proper inquiries with your provider before you schedule an appointment for teeth bonding. However, expect the process to cost you $ 300-$ 600 per tooth. In addition, you will need replacements for the bonded tooth every five to ten years.


Preparing for Teeth Bonding


Teeth bonding doesn’t require significant preparation besides a consultation with the dentist in Monmouth Junction to understand whether you are suitable for teeth bonding. However, bonding your teeth might not work if you are affected by severe tooth damage or decay. In such cases, the dentist might offer you veneers or crowns.


Caring for Your Bonded Teeth


Although teeth bonding has a lifespan of approximately a decade, you can prolong the life of the bonded tooth by adopting appropriate dental hygiene practices. To achieve your goal, you must brush twice daily and floss at least once. In addition, you must refrain from having hard food and candy and avoid biting your fingernails.


To prevent discoloration of the bonded tooth, you must avoid coffee, tea, and tobacco for 48 hours after receiving the treatment. In addition, scheduling dental prophylaxis every six months benefits your dental health and the bonded tooth.


If you accidentally chip or break the bonding material or feel sharp edges after the process, contact the Monmouth Junction dentist for assistance.


Your smile gets a significant boost when you enhance it with teeth bonding. If you want an inexpensive repair option for discolored teeth, teeth with chips, gaps, or minor cracks, consult your dentist about teeth bonding. The professional can determine whether the procedure is suitable for you or recommend alternatives to improve the looks of your teeth.


Brunswick Smiles provides a straightforward and inexpensive minor tooth repair solution with dental bonding. If you have minor dental imperfections impacting your smile, please visit this practice to determine your candidacy and receive the treatment if considered suitable for it.