Fluoride is a natural mineral originating from the Earth and is found in rocks, soil, and water but fluoride does not exist by itself. A scientific process creates fluoride and it is actually a chemical ion and one among the most common elements in the Earth’s crust. Ions are atoms that are positively or negatively charged and help elements to combine with each other. When this ion is negatively charged it meets a positively charged ion it gives birth to cavity fighters.

When these compounds of fluoride are in your mouth they can strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. They can also reverse early tooth decay. Wondering how fluoride works to fight cavities? Let us explain why fluoride works extremely hard to protect your teeth.

The outer layer covering your teeth is the enamel. It is stronger than the bones and comprises calcium and phosphate. Your saliva and spit are both loaded with calcium and phosphate and are constantly bathing your teeth to keep them strong.

When you have substances like candy, noodles, or crackers the cavity-causing bacteria begin enjoying themselves on the carbohydrates present in these foods. The bacteria then produce acids that attack the enamel. The attack results in calcium and phosphate being stripped from the enamel leaving you vulnerable cavities and tooth decay.

Your saliva can disrupt the attack by the bacteria by coating your teeth and adding back the phosphate and calcium replacing what had been stripped away. This is where fluoride steps in and plays the savior for your teeth.

When your saliva is fortified with fluoride from sources such as water and toothpaste your teeth begin to absorb it. Fluoride teams up with calcium and phosphate after it reaches the enamel to create a powerful defense for your teeth to prevent cavities from forming. It is stronger and resistant to tooth decay and battles to protect your teeth all the way.

How Can Fluoride Help Dental Health?

Fluoride supports healthy tooth enamel and battles the bacteria that can harm the teeth and gums. Fluoride is particularly helpful if you are at a high risk of developing dental caries which can occur when bacteria buildup on your teeth and gums to create a sticky layer of plaque. The acids produced come from plaque to erode the teeth and gum tissue. When the plaque breaks down the enamel layer it can infect and harm the nerves and blood vessels at the center of the tooth. It is this very issue that fluoride battles against.

What Happens During a Professional Fluoride Treatment?

During professional fluoride treatments, dentists will be providing the treatment with a highly concentrated varnish, foam, gel or rinse. The treatment will be applied by brush or a swab. Treatments provided by dentists have more fluoride than is available in tap water or toothpaste. The treatment will be provided in a few minutes but you will be advised not to eat or drink anything for 30 minutes to let your teeth absorb the fluoride. You must provide your entire medical history to your dentist to ensure they choose the right treatment for you.

What Is the Recommended Need for Fluoride?

It has been recommended by the American Dental Association that professional fluoride treatments must be obtained at the dentists’ office every three, six, or 12 months. If you are at a higher risk of cavities you may be suggested a special fluoride gel or rinse to use at home. You can be at a higher risk of cavities if you are:

  • Consuming alcohol and drugs excessively.
  • Are not taking proper care of your teeth.
  • Have an eating disorder or poor diet.
  • Have weakened enamel and a dry mouth with a decreased saliva.

You can get optimal fluoride from water, supplements, and food but getting professional fluoride treatments will also help to keep your teeth free from cavities and tooth decay.

The Benefits of Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments in Mercer County, NJ for adults and children can provide many benefits as it restores minerals to the surface of the tooth to prevent the growth of harmful oral bacteria and inhibits cavities. Decay cannot be removed by fluoride but as it creates a stronger outer surface for your teeth it can stop the decay from entering into the deeper parts of your teeth to safeguard them against tooth decay and cavities.