Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth, smile, and bite. It focuses on improving dental aesthetics in tooth color, the size, and shape of a tooth, restoring fractured edges, or realigning misaligned teeth. Our dentist in Monmouth will help you achieve your desired smile by simply whitening your teeth or completely re-doing them.

Before carrying out any cosmetic dentistry procedure, you will discuss how it affects your teeth, the steps involved, and why it is suitable for your cosmetic needs.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures and Their Benefits

  1. Teeth Whitening or Bleaching

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive procedure for improving your smile esthetics. Teeth may lose their bright white color and become yellowed due to the beverages and food we consume, smoking, natural aging, or the use of some medications.

This is a quick and simple way of changing your smile that can be done at home or the dentist’s office. Although several products are available over-the-counter for whitening your teeth, in-office professional whitening gives the most effective and lasting results.

The family dentist near you can brighten the smiles of your entire family through methods such as micro-abrasion, Zoom teeth whitening, prophylaxis, or laser teeth whitening. Discolored or stained teeth can be brightened and lightened by two to nine shades for that sparkling smile.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

  • The treatment is fast and low cost.
  • After the treatment, you will have a brighter smile.
  • The embarrassment caused by your discolored teeth is replaced by high self-esteem after your teeth have been whitened.
  1. Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin porcelain or composite shells customized to fit over the front surface of your teeth to correct teeth imperfections. They are bonded to the front surface of a tooth using special dental cement.

Stubborn intrinsic stains that are not successfully removed through teeth whitening treatments can be covered using dental veneers. In addition, dental veneers can cover these flaws for a perfect smile if you have slightly crooked, chipped, or wide gapped teeth.

Benefits of Dental Veneers

  • Dental veneers made of porcelain material are stain-resistant.
  • They appear like natural teeth and improve your appearance
  • Porcelain-made dental veneers are good for the gums.
  • A suitable color may be selected to make dark teeth appear whiter.
  1. Dental Crowns

These are custom-made ‘cups’ that fit over your entire tooth above the gum line. They are made of porcelain or acrylic and fused metal to withstand biting pressure. Dental crowns treat teeth that are broken, badly decayed, chipped, or have wide spaces between them.

The dentist near you can also use dental crowns to strengthen teeth weakened by large fillings. They are made of tooth-colored material to resemble the rest of the teeth in the mouth for that amazing smile.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

  • Dental crowns cover your teeth completely and hide several imperfections.
  • The use of dental crowns can repair severely damaged teeth that require extraction.
  • They are a robust and long-lasting option for an aesthetically appealing smile.
  1. Dental Bonding

This procedure repairs or improves the appearance of decayed, broken, deeply stained, fractured, slightly crooked, or chipped teeth. A malleable tooth-colored material is shaped according to the patient’s needs then bonded to the enamel.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

  • The tooth structure of your natural teeth is preserved since there is little alteration required.
  •  Several dental flaws like chips, cracks, discolored teeth and small gaps are covered in one dental procedure.
  1. Invisible Braces

Misaligned, crooked, crowded, or teeth with bite issues affect your appearance and smile. Invisible braces correct these dental issues, improve confidence and repair your smile. There are invisible braces designed for various dental needs. This orthodontic solution perfects your smile without a mouth full of wire and bracket braces. Invisible braces come in different variants, including ceramic tooth-colored brackets, braces placed on the back of the teeth called inside braces, or clear aligners such as Invisalign® and Clear Correct®.

Benefits of Invisible Braces

  • These teeth appliances are not easily noticeable and straighten your teeth discreetly, giving you a perfect smile.
  • They correct your smile without affecting the structure of your teeth.

Schedule an appointment with the Monmouth Junction Dentist to discuss what you would like to change for a beautiful smile and which procedure best suits your needs.