Are you experiencing tooth decay or loss and are searching for replacement options to correct the situation in your mouth? In such cases, instead of researching options by yourself, don’t you think obtaining help from the dentist in South Brunswick proves beneficial? Dental professionals, in their wisdom, will suggest dental implant placements as an excellent technique to get back your new and beautiful smile.

While various options currently on the market help you to replace missing or damaged teeth, none can offer the beautiful results of dental implants, which result in a natural-looking and functional placement that allows you to execute your everyday activities displaying your new self.

The Dental Implant Treatment Process

If you wonder how the implant placement functions and what your results will appear, we intend to surprise you with the following information. Dental implants are embedded in your jawbone and left to integrate with it for three to six months. They are finally covered with a customized natural-looking dental crown resembling your natural teeth to replace missing and unhealthy teeth unsuitable for a healthy oral environment.

When you consider dental implants from the dentist in north Brunswick, the specialist will evaluate your oral health besides the health of your jawbone and gums to ensure you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. Proper evaluation and planning from the dentist are essential because they can affect the longevity of the placements.

How Can Implants Fail?

The success rate of dental implant placements from dental implants in New Brunswick, NJ, is approximately 96 to 98 percent. However, the success of implant placements depends on the surgical process and the after-care patients take to maintain the longevity of the arrangements. Unfortunately, dental implant failure is also a reality in a minuscule number of patients.

Although dental implants function like natural teeth, after placement it is your responsibility to maintain your teeth in optimal condition according to the dentist’s instructions. The dental clinic Brunswick recommends you brush and floss your teeth, as usual, avoid complex, acidic, and sticky foods after the surgical placement, and maintain regular appointments with them to ensure a smooth recovery.

Smoking is a primary reason why many people undergoing oral surgery in New Brunswick, NJ, for dental implants report a failure of the surgical process. Smoking decreases blood flow to the implant site and prevents the titanium post from integrating with the jawbone as required.

Another reason for dental implant failure is gum disease which people allow to develop on their gums by neglecting proper oral hygiene. Plaque development on the teeth and gums leads to gum disease, a leading cause of implant failure and tooth loss.

During your consultation with the Brunswick dental clinic, you have plenty of time to inquire whether you are suitable for dental implants by providing a list of medications you take and any conditions affecting you that might impact your recovery from dental implant surgery.

Dental implants require considerable investments of time and money before you can have your artificial tooth in your mouth. It helps if you give your dentist information like whether you smoke, consume alcohol or drugs excessively, or have any other practices that might disqualify you from having dental implants. The discussion is to ensure you succeed in getting your artificial teeth and have them for your lifetime without confronting dental implant failure ever.

When Can Dental Implants Fail?

Dental implant failure can occur immediately after placement or even after several years. Early dental implant failures occur within three months of placement when your body doesn’t accept the titanium post and fails to integrate around it. However, if you regularly contact the Brunswick dentist, you find it easy to detect early implant failure and have the implant removed to prevent further bone loss. Premature implant failure is usually a condition affecting people with uncontrolled diabetes, osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism, and habits like smoking and poor oral hygiene.

Late implant failures also occur years after implant placement. Late implant failures result from patient-controlled habits like oral hygiene, general cleaning and maintenance, and overall health.

Implants can fail immediately or years after placement but generally remain successful in your jawbone for your life if you adhere to your dentist’s instructions and quit harmful habits like smoking that continue to contribute to the development of gum disease.

After getting new implants in your mouth from Brunswick Smiles to replace your missing teeth, caring for the placements is something you cannot overlook if you intend to achieve success with the implants.